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transformer oil purifier machine

Transformer Oil Purifier – Hypureoil

Transformers are the backbone of electrical power systems. These machines guarantee smooth transmission and distribution of electricity. To safeguard their efficiency and longevity, one needs to maintain the quality of the insulating oil within them. For this, an ISO transformer oil purifier is required.

Presenting the moment’s greatest find: the transformer oil purifier from Hypureoil. We are one of the leading transformer oil purifier machine suppliers in India and worldwide. Hypureoil has been operating in the industrial equipment industry for years. We offer all kinds of oil filtration machines. Keep reading this blog to find out more about our transformer oil purifier machine. But before that, let’s go through a quick overview of these oil purifiers and how they work.

What is a Transformer Oil Purifier? 

A transformer oil purifier is a specialized machine that is designed to remove contaminants from transformer oil. Contaminants like moisture, dissolved gases, particulate matter, etc., can degrade the oil’s dielectric strength (its ability to insulate). If the oil loses its dielectric strength, it will lead to potential failures and reduced transformer lifespan.

How Does HYPUREOIL’s Transformer Oil Purifier Machine Work?

Our purifiers use a deliberate, multi-step procedure:

  1. Dehydration: The oil undergoes controlled heating to eliminate dissolved and free water. This process preserves the insulating properties of transformers.
  2. Degasification: Now, through a vacuum system, our transformer oil purifier removes the dissolved gases. It also prevents bubble formation that could compromise dielectric strength.
  3. Filtration: In this final phase, advanced filters eradicate particulate matter and other pollutants from the oil and ensure optimal cleanliness.

Types of Transformer Oil Purifiers We Offer at Hypureoil

Portable/Mobile Purifiers

These types of transformer oil purifier solutions are compact and adaptable. Our portable oil filtration machine allows for easy transportation between transformer locations. These purifiers are suitable for situations when you need to filter oil in a distant area or just desire the ease of occasional use. They are like a reliable sidekick who are always willing to provide a helping hand, no matter where you are.

Stationary Purifiers

Our Stationary transformer oil purifier machine is a steady pillar of reliability. These larger units are specifically designed for permanent installation at transformer locations. If you have frequent purification needs or want a purifier that’s always ready to spring into action, these are the ones for you. They maintain the cleanliness of your oil and the happiness of your transformers daily, much like the trustworthy buddy who is always there for you.

Unlocking the Benefits of HYPUREOIL’s Transformer Oil Purifier

Prolongs Transformer Lifespan
Our transformer oil purifier reduces the danger of electrical failures and overheating by removing pollutants. Thus, it prevents transformer breakdown prematurely.

Reduces Maintenance and Repair Expenses
Since Hypureoil’s oil purifiers prevent significant transformer failures, it results in fewer unplanned repairs. It reduces production downtime. Our purifiers keep oil in good condition for longer periods. It eliminates the need for complete oil changes and saves you money.

Enhances System Reliability
Our transformer oil purifier offers you clean & contaminant-free oil for transformers. It helps you to operate the transformer at peak efficiency, bolstering overall system reliability. Purified oil reduces the likelihood of transformer tripping or shutdowns due to impurity-induced faults. Thus, it ensures a stable power supply vital for numerous industries.

Ensures Regulatory Compliance
By maintaining oil quality, our purifiers help organizations adhere to industry regulations, safeguarding against potential fines or penalties.

Choosing the Right Transformer Oil Purifier

Consider the following when selecting a purifier

  • Choose a purifier with the appropriate capacity for your transformer’s oil volume.
  • Select a purifier with the filtration and degassing capabilities to tackle your specific contamination issues.
  • Decide whether you need a stationary unit or a portable one based on your needs.
  • Consider additional features like automated controls, oil quality sensors, and online purification options for enhanced efficiency.

In Essence, HYPUREOIL’s transformer oil purifier machine are a wise investment because they shield critical assets. By proactively purifying oil, businesses can extend equipment life, reduce maintenance costs, and improve network performance. With HYPUREOIL’s Transformer Oil Purifiers by your side, conquer your transformer maintenance challenges. Connect with us now.



1. What Is Transformer Oil Filtration Machine?

A transformer oil purifier is a device used to clean and restore insulating oil used in transformers. A transformer oil purifier is also known as a transformer oil filtration machine. It removes contaminants like moisture, dissolved gases, solid particles, etc. It helps maintain the insulation properties and dielectric strength of the oil. A transformer oil purifier improves the oil’s performance and extends the transformer’s lifespan.

2. How Do You Filter Oil in A Transformer?

Filtering oil in a transformer requires operating a transformer oil filtration machine or purifier. This machine is attached to the transformer’s oil reservoir and circulates the oil through several filtering procedures. Mechanical filtration, vacuum dehydration, and heat treatment are common procedures used to remove contaminants, moisture, gases, etc from oil. The transformer oil purifier keeps it clean and free of pollutants, protecting the transformer’s performance and dependability.

3. What Are the Three Main Ways to Purify Transformer Oil?

The three main ways to purify transformer oil are:

  • Vacuum degassing: This process removes dissolved gases and moisture by creating a vacuum in the oil, allowing it to escape in gaseous form.
  • Filtration: The oil is passed through filter media to remove solid contaminants like dirt, metal particles, sludge, etc.
  • Clay adsorption (optional): In some cases, clay adsorbents remove polar contaminants and further improve the oil’s insulating properties.

4. How Will You Remove the Impurities from Transformer Oil?

You can remove impurities from transformer oil using a transformer oil purifier or filtering equipment. This device uses a multi-stage filtering system. It comprises mechanical filtration, vacuum dehydration, heat treatment, etc. Mechanical filtering removes solid particles & impurities, whereas vacuum dehydration eliminates dissolved water & gasses. Heat treatment improves purification by breaking down volatile chemicals. These methods successfully remove contaminants from transformer oil. Depending on the specific needs, clay adsorption might also be used for further purification.

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